Positioning and Attachment
Finding a comfortable position means you can feed for however long you wish to.
It may be useful to remember this when thinking about positioning your baby.
- C: Close – hold your baby’s whole body close to you
- H: Head free – place your hand along your baby’s back with your hand on their shoulders so their head can move freely
- I: In line – ensure their head and body are in line
- N: Nipple to Nose – your baby’s nose should be in line with your nipple so they can latch on effectively

Hold your baby’s whole body close to you.

Head Free
Place your hand along your baby’s back with your hand on their shoulders so their head can move freely.

In Line
Ensure their head and body are in line.

Nipple to Nose
Your baby’s nose should be in line with your nipple this will allow them to latch effectively
Here are some signs that your baby has latched on properly:
- You may see more of the darker skin of your nipple above your baby’s top lip
- You will notice your baby’s cheeks appear full and rounded
- Their chin will be indenting your breast
- Their nose will be free
- Their head should be unrestricted
- Their mouth will be wide
Establishing a Feed
When breastfeeding, offer one breast first. Your baby will latch and begin to suck to get the milk to start to flow rapidly. As the flow starts, they will change their sucking pattern to longer sucks with swallows and pauses.
As the feed continues the pauses will become longer, and as the feed comes to an end your baby should come off the breast relaxed. Winding your baby before offering the other breast is recommended.
Your baby may not want any more milk. Sometimes they feed for 30-40 minutes and sometimes just for 5. When you come to feed your baby next time, use the other breast, even if you finished the last feed from this breast.
Feeding Positions

Cradle hold
Sit upright in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and hold your baby across your body.

Laid back

Laying on your side and getting your baby into the correct position is very important, then support their back with your arm.

Rugby hold
and find it comfortable. Sitting upright, position your baby at your side.