Squeezy App

Squeezy is a smartphone and tablet app that helps people with their pelvic floor muscle or ‘kegel’ exercises.

How do I access the App for free?

If you live in Suffolk and North East Essex you will receive an invite to download the app after your 12-week booking appointment. This will be a combination of an email and text message with a verification code to access your app. You can download the app from your mobile app store. 

What does the Squeezy app do?

Squeezy helps by reminding you when it’s time to do your pelvic floor exercises and guides you through completing them. It also has handy diaries to help keep track of any bladder or bowel symptoms, as well as other pelvic health information.

Squeezy comes preset with a clinically-recommended exercise plan. If you are experiencing symptoms and working with a pelvic health specialist, Squeezy can also be tailored with a personalised plan to fit your needs.

It is important to note that the Squeezy app is not a replacement or an alternative to supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy but can be used as a tool to support this.

Getting More Help

If you have downloaded and trialled the Squeezy app and are still finding it difficult to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles, please self-refer to pelvic health physiotherapy for further support.

Visit: physioselfrefer.co.uk or call 03330 433966

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